Participating aiready software vendors
As of: 11/10/2024 2:56:19 PM
Compliance Level
- 1.5
- Compliance includes support for the following forms: 1004, 2065, 2055, 1075, 2070, 2075, 1073, ERC, 442, 442ROV.
- 2.0
- Compliance includes enhancements to the forms introduced in previous compliance levels along with addition of the LAND, MHAR, WFTR and WLTR.
- 2.1
- Compliance includes a new Envelope Uploader along with the addition of the 1007, 216, 465, FHAVC and Invoice forms.
- 2.2
- Compliance includes the addition of the 2000, 2006, 465S and ERC (01/01) forms.
- 2.3
- Compliance includes the addition of the 2045, 2045A, 2045B, REO, USPAP, USPAPB, GP2000, GPDESKREVIEW, MPSA, OHIO, FIRREA, and ENVIRONADD forms.
- 2.4
- Compliance includes enhancements to forms introduced in previous compliance levels along with the addition of the 2000_02, GPLIMITINGCONDITIONA, and GPLIMITINGCONDITIONB forms.
- 2.5
- Compliance includes forms introduced in previous compliance levels along with the addition of the 71A, 71B, MHAR2003, MHCHECKLIST, and FEMAFLOOD forms.
- 2.6
- Compliance includes forms introduced in previous compliance levels along with the addition of the FHAVC2003, HUDHOMESUM, and HUDPROTECT forms.
- 2.7
- Compliance includes the addition of ERC2003 and ENVIRONCOM.
- 2.8
- Compliance includes the addition of 71A_4_2004 and 442_2_2004.
- 2.9
- Compliance includes the status change of the 1004TEST and 1004DTEST forms from beta to live, and it corrects some typos on a few spreadsheets in the development section.
- 3.1
- Compliance includes enhancements to forms introduced in the previous compliance level along with the addition of the 2090(3-2005), 2095(3-2005), 2000(3-2005) and the 2000A(3-2005).
- 3.2
- Compliance includes enhancements to forms introduced in the previous compliance level along with the addition of the HUDPROTECT(12-2004) and the AIREPORTS(8-2005) forms.
- 3.3
- Compliance includes an enhancement to a form introduced in the previous compliance level along with the addition of the AIREPORTS(11-2005) form.
- 3.4
- Compliance includes enhancements to forms introduced in the previous compliance level.
- 3.5
- Compliance includes the addition of the DIMENSIONLIST, APPRAISALSUMMARY, USPAP2006, and FEMAFLOOD2005 forms.
- 3.6
- Compliance includes the addition of the WACHOVIADESKTOP(12-2006) form.
- 3.7
- Compliance includes the addition of the HUDCOMPLIANCE(8-1987) form.
- 3.8
- Compliance includes the addition of the REVIEWLIMITINGCONDITIONS(7-2008), MARKETCONDITIONSSUMMARY(8-2008), and PREFORECLOSUREADDENDUM(7-2008) forms.
- 3.9
- Compliance includes a checkbox enhancement for forms previously released along with the HUDCOMPLIANCE(1-2008) and 1004MC(11-2008) forms.
- 4.0
- Compliance includes the addition of the FEMAFLOOD(12-2008), 1004MC(3-2009), and TSIRUVR(3-2009) forms.
- 4.1
- Compliance includes the addition of the 1004B(6-1993) form.
- 4.3
- Compliance includes the addition of the RELSLAND(1-2010) form.
- 4.4
- Compliance includes the addition of the REO(12-2010) and WELLSFARGODESKTOP(10-2010) forms.
- 4.5
- Compliance includes the addition of the new UADVERSION attribute to the 1004, 1073, 1075 and 2055 AI XML.
- 4.6
- Compliance includes the addition of the DISINSPECT(7-2011) and UADDEF(9-2011) forms.
- 4.7
- Compliance includes the addition of the SWFDESKTOP(3-2102), USPAP(4-2012), and HUDCOMPLIANCE(4-2012) forms.
- 4.8
- Compliance includes the addition of the CHASEDESKTOP(10-2012), 465S(10-1999) and FEMAFLOOD(4-2012) forms.
- 4.9
- Compliance includes the support of Geocode information, MISMO XML data, and DPV data in the AI Ready ENV file.